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I am a student of life in the truest sense.  Life has taught me numerous profound lessons from an early age and I now see the world as one big classroom with endless lessons and options for personal growth.

My thirst to understand life and all of its complexities come naturally to me.  I am fascinated by nature and thrill at the discovery of common subtleties between all life forms, whether plant, animal, or human variety! Recognizing the interconnected nature of all living things reveals that we humans can learn a great deal from one another in simple conversation.

I created Wise Sister’s Consulting to honour our interconnected nature and provide a safe place for individuals to share, learn, and grow.  Coming together for the purpose of enriching life is one of the greatest endeavours we can indulge in.  Collective thinking is a powerful tool that brings new ideas, insights and wisdom beyond ones current knowledge.  As your wise sister, I welcome you to join the river of wisdom that exists and become a part of the positive life energy available to all of us.

“We have to continue to learn.  We have to be open.  And we have to be ready to release our knowledge in order to come to a higher understanding of reality.”  – Thich Nhat Hanh

My Journey

Born and raised in New Westminster, B.C., I was the youngest of four children who grew up in a community where few Asians resided.  Throughout the early 1960’s and beyond, I struggled to find my place in a world seemingly filled with discrimination.  Misfortune came early in my life, with the premature loss of my mother when I was 10 years old and my father before I graduated high school.  The cycle of loss continued on into early adulthood, when I lost a 3 month old fetus and four years later, my husband while raising our two preschool-aged children.  I grew immensely through each loss and came to realize that my optimistic nature, determination to succeed, and inherent wisdom were gifts that helped me to overcome great adversities.  It is these gifts I wish to share with you.

To learn more about me, my perspectives and philosophies in life, I encourage you to read a few of my earliest blog entries as well as more recent stories, revealing life lessons told with a pinch of humour.  Subscribe to my blog if you would like to receive these stories on a regular basis.  My goal is to post at least one entertaining story per month!

Wise Sister’s Consulting

“Healing with Nature and Spirit!”

Wise Sister’s Consulting is the culmination of life lessons, 14 years of professional experience and a Diploma in Community Social Service Work where I graduated with top honours.  My work experience spans youths, adults and the elderly, whose conditions ranged from unemployed and high-functioning to terminally ill with chronic, life-threatening diseases.  It has been a most humbling journey to work alongside individuals with chronic conditions and mental health issues including dementia.  Their stories and challenges have contributed to my river of wisdom and deep insights on the human experience.  Highlights of my career to date include work with the elderly, adults with HIV/Aids, a live interview on CBC Radio discussing the impact of job loss, and the official launch of Wise Sister’s Consulting and programs under the name Mind Master Training.


April 2012 – Port Moody Community Day Fair
Interview with Shaw TV’s Tri-City Community Magazine

Wise Sister’s Consulting is a socially responsible company that takes pride in making meaningful contributions to the local community. 10% proceeds and free seminars are donated annually.   * 2012 – Canadian Cancer Society’s Ride to Conquer Cancer and Community Volunteer Services for Seniors  * 2013 – Alzheimer Society of B.C.  *2014 – Glen Pine Pavilion, Parkwood Manor *2015 – Glen Pine Pavilion, Dogwood Pavilion, Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre, Wilson Centre *2016 – Wilson Centre “Dealing with Feelings”  *2017 – Glen Pine Pavilion – Mental Fitness for Seniors  *2018 – Old Orchard Park “Wit and Wisdom”



Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy, Cognitive Behavioural therapy, and Acceptance & Commitment therapy are the basis for practice. Emphasis on positive psychology, emotional intelligence, nonviolent communication and practicing meditation form the foundation of every session.  Confidentiality and respect for individual choices are firmly upheld, collaborating successful outcomes with each and very participant involved.

Mission Statement

To empower adults and assist them in creating enhanced quality of life through positive orientation and habits of mindfulness.  To model authenticity and mentor the path to optimal overall wellness and true potential.